Gabriel é um exemplo de profissional, extremamente atencioso e dedicado. Recomendo!
Eu tive uma experiência incrível com o Psicólogo Gabriel, e toda vez que saio da sessão fico pensando no que falamos e isso tem me ajudado bastante, afinal as vezes precisamos de ajuda para olhar para dentro de si.
Amo meu psicólogo! Acho ele ótimo, empático, bem humorado, sempre ajuda em tudo que eu preciso, dá chance para que eu possa ligar pra ele caso eu precise durante a semana... Recomendo demais!!
Gabriel has an incredible memory and really pays attention to details. He'll remember things you said in sessions weeks and weeks prior and that really lets you know that he's listening and cares about you. He also is very non-judgmental, and helps you feel like you can share anything with him. He has great opinions that are objective, and will challenge you to look at all sides of situations you are bringing to him. There have been many times where I've said, "I've never thought about it that way" in response to what he says. Also, he makes great use of analogies! I feel safe and seen by Gabriel and would recommend him as a therapist to anyone that is looking for one.
Um ótimo profissional aonde me deixou super confortável, muito atencioso, super paciente e compreensivo em relação a mudança de horário, sempre muito pontual.
Before Gabriel, I tried three different therapists, and they just didn't feel right. Now, I've been working with him for many months.
Within minutes of my first meeting with Gabriel, I knew I could trust him to listen to everything I expressed without judging me.
Gabriel balances the professionalism needed to be a therapist with a casual presence that puts me at ease. He has both the natural disposition to make people feel comfortable and the training to guide you through difficult emotions.
I seriously cannot overstate how much I have enjoyed having Gabriel as my therapist. He listens, remembers, shows kindness and empathy, and is generally excellent.
Posso afirmar tranquilamente que o Gabriel é o melhor profissional que já encontrei na área.
Seu conhecimento técnico e sua oratória boa são pontos que combinados tornam a experiência de suas consultas serem únicas e excelentes.
Estamos juntos nessa caminhada há quase um ano e sua ajuda tem sido primordial para me tornar uma pessoa melhor.
Recomendo de olhos fechados!
Trabalho maravilhoso, feito com muito zelo, ética e cuidado. Recomendo a todos de olhos fechados!